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时间:2016-05-22 14:38:05  点击:   来源:167net必赢admin


报告题目:Next generation sequencing and biomedical informatics






Zhang Z-B*, Zhu J*, Gao J-F*, Wang C, Li H, Li H, Zhang H-Q, Zhang S, Wang D-M, Wang Q-X, Huang H, Xia H-J, Yang Z-N. 2007. Transcription factor AtMYB103 is required for anther development by regulating tapetum development, callose dissolution and exine formation in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 52: 528-538. (co-first author)

Zhang Z-B*, Yang G*, Arana F, Chen Z, Li Y, Xia H-J. 2007. Arabidopsis Inositol Polyphosphate 6-/3-kinase (AtIpk2β) Is Involved in Axillary Shoot Branching via Auxin Signaling. Plant Physiol, 144(6):942-951. (co-first author)

Ye J-Y*, Zhang Z-B*, Zhang Z-M, Hong Y, Zhang X-M, You C-J, Liang W-Q, Ma H, Lu P-L. 2015. Proteomic and phosphoproteomic analyses reveal extensive phosphorylation of regulatory proteins in developing rice anthers. Plant Journal. 84(3):527-544. (co-first author)

张在宝, 管茜, 张镇海. 2015. 大数据:基于高通量测序的抗体组学发展与应用. 南方医科大学学报, 4: 463